Great Smoky Mountains Adaptive Program Days
Adaptive Mountain Biking
Join a ranger and mountain bike guide for a ride in the gorgeous Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Riders may borrow an adaptive mountain bike for the ride or bring their own.
Please note: Due to limited resources, we only have enough bikes for adaptive athletes on this trip. If you have a friend or family member wishing to join in, they will need to bring their own mountain bike.
To take part in our adaptive mountain bike program we require riders to meet the following Essential Eligibility Criteria:
Rider can make safe cognitive decisions in a fast-paced changing environment.
Rider can follow all safety precautions identified by the instructors.
Rider can hold their head upright without any head and/or neck support.
Rider can wear a properly fitted and rated bike helmet, as well as any other safety equipment appropriately.
Rider can understand and follow multiple-step instructions from the instructors independently and in a fast-paced environment.
Rider can transfer in and out of the bike independently or with some assistance
Rider can remain alert and focused for the duration of the ride and can make decisions quickly in variable terrain.
Rider can demonstrate they can independently pedal, steer, stop, start and ride the bike over, around, up, and down a variety of terrain deemed appropriate for their experience level.
Cost: Free
Saturday July 12th: Deep Creek Trail
Morning session 9:30-11:30am
Afternoon session 1:00-3:00pm
Saturday September 10th: Cade's Cove Vehicle Free Bike Day
Use the buttons above to register. If you have any questions about this event please contact us.
Volunteers are also needed to support our riders! If you have not volunteered with Catalyst Sports before, you must complete the online training and attend an in-person training from 9-10am the day of the event. Volunteers must bring their own mountain bike.